Ban on housing children in motels is a big win for child protection sector 

Sydney, Australia: Adopt Change is thrilled by the NSW Government’s announcement that alternative care arrangements (ACAs) will be phased out within six months. 

ACAs include temporary accommodations such as motels, caravan parks, holiday rentals and serviced apartments, where children are placed with workers on shift. 

Adopt Change CEO Renee Leigh Carter says the news is being widely celebrated throughout the sector, after significant advocacy and multiple reports into the matter leading to this moment. 

“There’s a sense of relief of reaching this outcome that is so vital for children in care, mixed with a focus on how to ensure there is investment into ensuring enough family-based homes for children,” Ms Leigh Carter says. 

“Our top priority is to see children and young people placed in stable homes, where they can receive the support and care they need to experience a positive childhood and heal over time. “

“None of this can occur when they are subjected to life in a caravan park or motel room under the watch of shift workers who are often unqualified for the job. “

“We applaud Minister for Families and Communities and Disability Inclusion Kate Washington for taking this vital step and look forward to the next steps.” 

ACAs are notoriously expensive, with the NSW Government spending $38 million on them in 2023, so if those funds are diverted for early support of families, as well as finding and supporting carers, there will be a transformational change in the system – and more importantly, for the children it is meant to serve. 

“We desperately want to see that money put towards more effective measures to help the children and young people of NSW,” Ms Leigh Carter says. 

“That particularly includes increasing support for carers so they can better help the young people in their care and we can make the role a viable option for potential new carers to open their homes. “

Of course, the ban on ACAs is just one step and there are still major reforms required. 

This news comes off the back of the Office of the Children’s Guardian’s (OCG) report Strengthening out-of-home care and the broader child protection system ( and the Advocate for Children and Young People’s report which interviewed young people who had spent time in hotel care in NSW. The OCG report makes a number of recommendations to strengthen the broader child protection system including: 

  • Enhance support for carers. 
  • Improve data on the current carer workforce. 
  • Establish a complaint handling function for children and carers. 
  • Deliver an integrated oversight system. 

“We strongly support these proposed reforms, which are essential to ensure the best possible outcomes for children and young people,” Ms Leigh Carter says. 

“Our work in NSW via our My Forever Family program supports carer homes and searches for new potential carers to open their homes. We hear from carers regularly about their needs so that they can best support the children in their homes and sustain their roles. It is vital now that we are able to extend further support to carers and make the role viable for more people to consider. The children in the NSW care system who can’t return home need alternative family homes now – the next step is a collaborative commitment to make this happen,” Ms Leigh Carter says. 

“For now though, we are celebrating this significant victory. It is encouraging that the combined voices of our organisation, carers, those in the sector pushing for change and the reports into the matter can drive better outcomes for the children and young people we are trying to help.” 


Available for interview:
Adopt Change CEO Renée Leigh Carter

For all media enquiries and interviews please contact:
Nick Cook |
0410 570 262

About Adopt Change  
Adopt Change is a not-for-profit organisation with a mission to support and educate families and communities in caring for displaced children (including those in foster care or orphaned) to achieve our vision of a home for every child that is safe, nurturing and stable so that children can grow, learn, play and thrive. We provide support resources, training, education and programs to work towards achieving this goal. 
