Adopt Change conducts research and writes papers to contribute to the understanding of issues for children and young people including the importance of permanency; the impact of trauma; pre- and post-adoptive supports for families and children; and topics surrounding adoption and permanency within Australia.

Also included on this page is information on research provided by other organisations.

Adopt Change Research & Papers


Adopt Change works towards vulnerable children and young people in our society being able to grow up in a safe, nurturing and permanent family home. We also provide a voice for them and for those who dedicate so much of their life to supporting their children and are met with many challenges.

Adopt Change advocates for child-centred legislative policy and reform at Federal and State levels. Legislative and systemic reform is one of the key avenues for creating a system that meets the needs of vulnerable children. We promote this reform and highlight the risks faced by vulnerable children by:

  • Meeting with politicians, policymakers, advisors and government representatives
  • Responding to calls for advice and input from Federal and State governments
  • Providing access to information sessions and education for child welfare professionals and the community
  • Speaking with media on topics relating to permanency, adoption, impermanency and a child’s rights to trauma informed supports
  • Raising awareness through campaigns
  • Conducting research to contribute to the understanding of issues for children including the importance of permanency; the impact of trauma and impermanency; and the supports necessary for a child to thrive

Find out more about the issues we advocate about:

The Issues   News

Other Research for Reference: