The child protection system is no longer at crisis point. We are now seeing unsustainable, catastrophic outcomes. You can fill the seats of a football stadium with the number of children in government care, unable to return home. Over 45,000 children and young people are growing up in the system. Ten percent of these kids – nearly 4,500 – aren’t living in home-based care and are instead in motels and residential group settings, being looked after by workers on shift. Behind these staggering numbers are individual, innocent children. Babies. Toddlers. Teenagers. Children don’t belong in institutions – they need to grow up in a family home.

The nation is at a tipping point and now, more than ever, we need to come together with a united, whole of country approach to find solutions.

Join us for THRIVE 2024 National Permanency Summit: A Home & Healing for Safe & Supported Kids in Sydney on 7 & 8 November at Allianz Stadium where we bring government, the sector, and those with lived experience together with global leaders in the child welfare and trauma space, to discuss what can be done to support system reform in child-centred timeframes and immediately change the trajectory for our most vulnerable youth.

Learn from real-world examples where care numbers have been reduced through targeted, evidence-based interventions and supports. Join discussions from across the states and territories on key learnings. Hear from local and international speakers on new and innovative programs making progress. Bring your voice and experience to the table to share with others keen to make an impact.

In addition to the above, THRIVE 2024 will focus on the core principles of ‘Safe & Supported: The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021 – 2031

Attention carers!

Join us for a special carer-exclusive stream of the THRIVE 2024 Summit where we deliver a half-day program with tailored sessions for carer families. Participate in workshops with global speakers and join roundtable discussions.

Carers must be authorised carers and registered with an agency or the department in NSW. All carers who attend the conference will receive a ‘Certificate of Attendance’ following the event.

Tickets are limited, so be sure to get yours today!

Carers for Kids NSW Conference
Thursday 7 November | 10am – 2pm | Allianz Stadium
*Note, the ticket cost for the Carers for Kids NSW Conference is subsidised by our supporters. We will let carers know soon if any complimentary tickets become available to apply for.